
This room contains the latest research about the sharing economy, in specific related to finance.

An Analysis of the Labor Market for Uber’s Driver-Partners in the United States

18/06/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Authors:  Jonathan Hall and Alan Krueger Date published:  January 2015 Why did we select this research? This paper from Princeton University provides the first comprehensive analysis of Uber’s driver-partners, based on both sur...

Independent Work: Choice, Necessity, and the Gig Economy

12/06/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
This McKinsey Global Institute report surveys 8000 independent workers, and finds that 20-30% of Americans and Europeans engage in some form of independent work.

Platform Cooperativism

12/06/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
What are platform cooperatives and how can they contribute to a more worker-friendly collaborative economy? Trebor Scholz outlines 10 principles for platform cooperativism.

User Behavior in Crowdfunding Platforms – Exploratory Evidence from Switzerland

12/06/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
This study sheds light on user behavior on crowdfunding platforms by investigating projects and donations on a Swiss crowdfunding platform.

VIDEO: How Member Activity Patterns on Crowdsourcing Platforms Develop Over Time

03/06/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Mark Boons explains how users interact with crowdsourcing platforms and the role of a user on the crowdsourcing platforms. He explores whether every user is equally valuable in their contributions.

Cities are Crowdfunding More, But is it Fair to Ask the People to Pay?

15/05/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The article looks at whether citizens, who already pay taxes, contribute to civic development over crowdfunding platforms are paying for what governments should be financing.

Sharing Risks, Sharing Rewards: Who Should Bear the Risk in the Sharing Economy?

17/04/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Lloyd's surveyed 5000 consumers from the U.S.A., U.K., and China, in addition to representatives from 30 sharing platforms on their perception and management of risks related to the sharing economy.

Makerspaces and Contributions to Entrepreneurship

20/03/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The paper explores the relationship between entrepreneurship and maker movements, as part of innovative thinking processes.

Creating communities of innovation

19/09/2017Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The report presents the results of a large-scale survey to investigate the potentials of co-working spaces to act as communities for innovation.