
This room contains the latest research about the sharing economy, in specific about shared mobility.

Smart Mobility in Smart City: Action Taxonomy, ICT Intensity and Public Benefits

21/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Smarter cities require smarter mobility. How to do so?

The Making of a Smart City: Best Practices Across Europe

21/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Report that comprises 80 cases from 19 European cases.

Contagious Effects of Customer Misbehavior in Access-Based Services

22/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
How contagious is bad behaviour in access-based services?

Sustainable and Innovative Personal Transport Solutions – Strategic Analysis of Carsharing Market in Europe

22/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Market trends and impacts' analysis.

Urban Mobility in the Smart City Age

25/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
How can smart mobility lead to more efficient use of transport infrastructure? How will this modify the way people use transport services? This report presents a toolkit for doing so.

Sustainability and Shared Mobility Models

28/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
At present, no government anywhere has any incentives in place to increase shared mobility market penetration. It might be a sign that they are not clear on what benefits shared mobility can provide.

Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Platform Economy: How Uber Tried (and failed) to Change the Dutch Taxi Law

05/03/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Uber’s failure to change the Dutch taxi law stemmed from the difficulty to leverage pragmatic legitimacy among users into favorable regulatory changes in a highly institutionalized regime.

The Sharing Economy and the Future of Personal Mobility:New Models Based on Car Sharing

11/03/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The article showcases new models emerging on the intersection of the sharing economy and the traditional economy.