The Making of a Smart City: Best Practices Across Europe

Authors: European Comission

Date of publish: 2017

Why did we select this research?

Sustainable and feasible transition towards greener and smarter cities is a trend that has been observed across many European cities. To achieve such a shift to be done, municipalities all around Europe have to closely work with the citizenship and the private sector. Each case is exceptional and unique. Nevertheless, some lessons can be of great example to other cities. This report includes 80 different cases, including best practices that have the potential to be replicated. 

Key findings:

  • Mobility and transport, around Europe, are tackled by: the development of charging infrastructure and setting up facilities for alternative fuels; car sharing; bicycle infrastructure; and urban freight logistics.
  • Focus on enabling more sustainable mobility, which have a positive effect on human wellbeing too.
  • Behavioural changes are needed among the population (still too much attached to the concept of car ownership). Need for finding ways to appeal and engage.


European Commission, EU Smart Cities Information System, The Making of a Smart City: Best Practicies Across Europe, 2017.