Author: Pedro Neves
Date of publish: August 2018
Why did we select this research?
This paper explores how the circular economy can be applied to sustainable cities and institutions, and how partnerships can be used to implement them on real life. The paper does so by analyzing the characteristics that make the circular economy successful, (going beyond product design and waste management optimization), this research looked for its application in urban development and management.
Key findings:
- The circular economy is aligned with Goal 12 in particular and aligned with SDGs and can be used for products as well as cities. Partnerships are a way to involve multi stakeholders over implementation (and make sure that policies target real problems over private interests).
- The circular economy has the complete potential to shape cities and turn them into sustainable hubs where (gender) equality, decent jobs, a reduction of inequalities among "social classes", peace and justice is achieved.
- Nevertheless, to achieve such changes, a deep mind-shift on how humans perceive, relate and impact the environment, changes in how we produce and consume is needed (role of behavior change).
Pedro Neves, Circular Economy, Sustainable Cities, and Partnerships, Ph.D. Development Studies _ ISEG + IGOT + ISA + ICS, August 30, 2018.