Circular Economy in Cities Evolving the model for a Sustainable Urban Future

Author: World Economic Forum

Date of publish: 2018

Why did we select this research?

The role of cities in the rapidly evolving environment we currently live in, is crucial. In order to guarantee the most sustainable transition possible, cities have the chance to embrace the circularity approach and by extension the whole system can be potentially reverted. In order to successfully achieve such transition towards a circular economy, a multisectorial and multistakeholder approach is needed, together with integrated action over the long-term in different areas of local administration.

Key findings:

  • Need for prioritization of a systematic transition from the linear paradigm of production and consumption to a circular model (keeping materials in use for as long as possible and maximizing their economic value).
  • Collaboration and common efforts are required across the value chain (involving individuals, the private sector, different levels of government and civil society).
  • Role of the private sector by making available the necessary infrastructure, and formulating policies and regulations that incentivize innovation without imposing burdens that dampen growth.


Circular Economy in Cities: Evolving the Model for a Sustainable Urban Future, World Economic Forum in collaboration with PwC, 2018