Circular Economy Scotland

Author: Dustin Benthon

Date Published: January 2015

Why did we select this research? 

The growing recognition of the economic value being lost in waste have raised business interest in the circular economy. This report provides an analysis of how Scotland could help to make its economy more circular, by including institutions into a ‘targeted, challenge-led, innovation strategy’.

Key Findings

  • Scotland needs a targeted, challenge-led innovation strategy 

  • Achieving a more circular economy will mean governing differently. More collaboration, both within and across sectors, needs to be underpinned by more entrepreneurial institutions, whether led by the state or industry. 

  • The circular economy presents two types of opportunity, which each require a different approach: 

  1. Resource efficiency opportunities, characterised by the diffusion of near commercial or established technologies and increased collaboration within broadly established business models 

  2. Circular economy opportunities, characterised by innovation, to establish and commercialise novel technologies, and by some degree of business model integration along supply chains and between sectors 

  • Achieving a circular economy in Scotland will involve a combination of diffusing established but not yet common business practices and technologies, and the development of radically new technologies and business models. 


Dustin Benthon (2015) Circular Economy Scotland. Report published by the Green Alliance.