Modeling Free-floating Car-sharing use in Switzerland

A Spatial Regression and Conditional Logit Approach

Authors: Henrik Becker, Francesco Ciari, and Kay W. Axhausen
Date published: August 2017
Research commissioned by: ETH Zurich Institute for Transport Planning and Systems

Why did we select this research?

Using spatial regression and conditional logit analysis of original transaction data of a free-floating car-sharing scheme in Switzerland, this research shows that free-floating car-sharing is mainly used for discretionary trips, for which only substantially inferior public transportation alternatives are available. In contrast to station-based car-sharing, it does not rely on high-quality local public transportation access, but bridges gaps in the existing public transportation network.

Key findings:

  • Free-floating car-sharing is mainly used for discretionary trips, for which only substantially inferior public transportation alternatives are available.
  • Station-based car-sharing relies on local public transportation access, whereas free-floating car-sharing bridges gaps in the public transportation network.


Becker, H., Ciari, F., & Axhausen, K. W. (2017). Modeling free-floating car-sharing use in Switzerland: A spatial regression and conditional logit approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 81, 286-299. Retrieved from: