Free-Floating Carsharing: City-Specific Growth Rates and Success Factors

Authors: Katherine Kortum, Robert Schönduwe, Benjamin Stolte, and Benno Bock
Date published: 28 December 2016
Research commissioned by: Transportation Research Board Washington D.C. and InnoZ

Why did we select this research?

Free-floating car-sharing, a relatively new market segment within car-sharing, is expanding through Europe and North America. This type of system allows users to book a car at any point and any time within a specified area.

Key findings:

  • Using the actual data from existing operations, it is clear that car-sharing is continuing to become a more integral part of city transportation networks.
  • Use increases in proportion with the service’s duration, indicating that more residents are using car-sharing, existing members are increasing their use of the car-sharing vehicles, or both.


Kortum, K., Schönduwe, R., Stolte, B., & Bock, B. (2016). Free-floating carsharing: City-specific growth rates and success factors. Transportation Research Procedia, 19, 328-340. Retrieved from: