Building Smart Cities with Large Scale Citizen Participation

Authors: Karim Benouaret, Raman Valliyur-Ramalingam and François Charoy

Date of publish: March 2013

Why did we conduct this research:

The raise of smart cities (or cities becoming smarter), has been portrayed as features in parking lots that recognize where there is or there is no more free space, smarter traffic lights, or just the fact of having an active tansportation rail on the side (bikes, skates, etc). Nevertheless, smart cities go beyond that; they are also supposed to improve and increase citizen's participation in the city's everyday life. Doing this can be achieved, among many other ways, by promoting and strengthening citizen participation. This paper proposes a framework that shows that data collection, selection and assessment can be done in a way that benefits and promotes citizen participation in a way that they can actually contribute to urban development.

Key findings:

  • The paper proposes three different strategies (Buffer, Deadline and FIFO) which work complementarily given different settings and challenges each city faces at any given moment.
  • As shown in the paper, the reasons behind justifying using one strategy or another greatly vary also on the time and resources allocated to each challenge, and again, highlighting the possibility of complementarity among strategies.


Karim Benouaret, Raman Valliyur-Ramalingam, François Charoy. CrowdSC: Building Smart Cities with Large Scale Citizen Participation. 2013. []