World Development Report 2019 - The changing nature of work

Author: The World Bank

Date: 2018

Why did we select this article?

The 2019 World Development Report is unique in its transparency. It studies how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today. Overall, technology brings opportunity, paving the way to create new jobs, increase productivity, and deliver effective public services. With the rise of digital platforms, technological effects reach more people faster than ever before, and technology is changing the skills that employers seek. Workers need to be better at complex problem-solving, teamwork and adaptability. Because this report has benefited from thousands of comments and ideas from development practitioners, government officials, scholars, and readers from all over the world, it holds an unique value. 

Key findings

The Report analyzes the above-mentioned changes and considers how governments can best respond. The overall analysis considers the way work is changing, and how technology is affecting the job market. More in the specific, the following topics are covered:

  • The changing nature of firms (new firms and competitive markets)
  • Building human capital (why governments should get involved and which measures would help)
  • Lifelong learning (tertiary education and adult learning outside the workplace)
  • Returns to work 
  • Strengthening social protection (social assistance & insurance, labor regulation)
  • Ideas for social inclusion (creating a new social contract & financing social inclusion)

The main outcomes of the report:

- Investing in human capital must be a priority for governments in order for workers to build the skills in demand in the labor market. 

- In addition, governments need to enhance social protection and extend it to all people in society, irrespective of the terms on which they work. 

- To fund these investments in human capital and social protection, the Report offers some suggestions as to how governments can mobilize additional revenues by increasing the tax base

Reference: The World Bank (2018). World Development Report 2019 - The changing nature of work. pp. 1-151, Washington D.C.