“Carried Away by the Crowd:” What Types of Logistics for Collaborative Consumption?

Authors: Valentina Carbone, Aurelien Rouquet, and Christine Roussat
Date published: May 2016

Why did we select this research?

Collaborative consumption keeps growing and stimulates research work within management science. So far, few scholars have studied the logistics aspects of these developments. This article by Carbone, Rouquet and Roussat aims to investigate the role played by logistics in 32 cases of collaborative consumption. Depending on the type of logistics management and the function of logistics in these initiatives, the authors identify and describe four types of logistics: peer-to-peer logistics, business logistics, crowd-party logistics and crowd-driven logistics.

Full article available in french only, for purchase. 


Carbone, V., Rouquet, A., & Roussat, C. (2016). «Emporté par la foule»-Quelles logistiques pour la consommation collaborative?. Revue Française de Gestion, 42(258), 105-122. Retrieved from: https://www.cairn.info/revue-francaise-de-gestion-2016-5-p-105.htm