Autonomous Shared Mobility-On-Demand: Melbourne Pilot Simulation Study

Authors: Hussein Dia and Farid Javanshour
Date published: May 2017
Research commissioned by: Swinburne University of Technology

Why did we select this research?

Feasibility of using agent-based simulation tools to model the impacts of shared autonomous vehicles.

Key findings:

  • Incorporating shared autonomous cars can significantly reduce the total number of vehicles required to meet the transport needs of a community.
  • Decreased the parking requirements which would free up this space for other purposes.
  • Likely to be some negative impacts such as increased total km of travel, but these were less significant and can potentially be mitigated if all future self-driving vehicles are electric.


Dia, H., & Javanshour, F. (2017). Autonomous Shared Mobility-On-Demand: Melbourne Pilot Simulation Study. Transportation research procedia, 22, 285-296. Retrieved from: