Case Studies

In this room we’ll present case studies of sharing start-ups, platforms, projects and best practices of city governments around the world trying to ensure affordable, secure and/or quality housing for everyone.

Chicago buildings

05/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Chicago's mapping of abandoned houses website which aims at giving a second chance to such buildings, fighting against these buildings having a negative spillover effect on neighboring areas.

Ireland - Vacant Homes

04/02/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Ireland's approach to solving increasing housing demands and abandoned buildings.

Quayside, Toronto

18/01/2019Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The Eastern Waterfront will be a new type of place that combines the best in urban design with the latest in digital technology to address some of the biggest challenges facing cities, including energy use, housing affordability, and transportation.

New Zealand Appeals to Public to Identify Rentals, Marae and Land to be Used for Homeless

15/05/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The New Zealand government is solving homelessness by calling for the public to share otherwise unitilised properties to be inhabited by those seeking social housing.

‘Mietshäuser Syndikat’ Fosters Self-organized Housing Projects

31/01/2018Sharing Cities Alliance Support
The founders of "Mietshäuser Syndikat" (tenements syndicate) connect successful co-housing projects in Germany to support self-organised, social housing projects.

Home Sharing Between Elderly and University Students

04/10/2017Sharing Cities Alliance Support
Read how home sharing systems between elderly and college students can solve elderly isolation, youth housing problems and more.

Accommodation Sharing: Matching Refugees with Homeowners

29/06/2017Sharing Cities Alliance Support
This case describes how accommodation sharing platforms match refugees with homeowners and local communities to help refugees to find a place to live.